
In countless publications, many truths and lies have been said about the activity of Taekwon-Do, it history and development, especially after its Founder passed away.

What is said or described in notes published in different social Media details realities that readers approve, giving certainty to what is mentioned there, fundamentally because many of them have been contemporaries of those events. Attempts to distort published truths are our daily bread, however, and despite this, the truth is impossible to hide and the distortion has a short-lived.

It is evident that the writings are not a mere narrative but are addressed to the student, the Instructor and the Authorities. The former usually tends to doubt because the version they have, is sometimes consistent with what has been published and sometimes not.

The others (instructors and Authorities) are difficult to confuse with distortions because their relationship with the handling of art is more direct, ancient and daily, however, sometimes it happens.

There is a common factor in all cases that draws attention and imposes reflection on the matter, I mean not acting on what we have heard, read and found out. It is something like finding out that on the road you are traveling there is a well or abyss but you continue to advance along the same path while turning a deaf ear to the information received. The worst thing is that as they fall down the ravine they scream inconsolably and blaming others for the fate that has befallen them, without acknowledging the responsibility they have in what happened.

Information is valuable as long as you proceed accordingly, otherwise you don’t complain later.

Institutional diversity inevitably leads to produce different biomechanics, sports rules and administration, by the way, the unavoidable path to stylistic atomization. There are great gurus out there who have made amazing modifications, ignoring the literary information and videos of the founder himself. The curious thing is that people obey the absurd mandates without complaining.

About 10 years ago, it became fashionable to manufacture “caciques” (Indian chiefs) at an early age and without the council of Indians having appointed them. Some went out as Indians one night and the next day they returned as a cacique. The proceeds of certificates (feathers’ distribution) are normally done in obscure procedures that look for economical reasons only.

In a previous note I think I have mentioned something about it looking to put clear over dark that mean that all “caciques” (Indian chiefs) should publish their certificates from 4th Dan onwards to expel doubts. The times and ages between degrees have been pre-established since the beginning of activity in the world, however some Indians use a tuft of feathers when they should still use a single feather. Let’s play in the forest now that the wolf is gone, says a children’s story.

The General called the right procedure Integrity, are you in agree?

Does this have to do with atomization? Well, yes, it is the heart of the matter, otherwise how to unify if there is no rule to regulate the activity. In addition, there is a risk of working with the inverted pyramid where the base is smaller than the top, in other words we are under the risk to have more “caciques” than Indians.  They say that there is no worse deaf person than the one who doesn’t want to hear.  Thank you for your attention.

Senior Grand Master Ricardo Desimone

To be aware read again the previous notes