On November 26th & 27th this year (two journeys) were held a technical seminar in Argentina in San Salvador de Jujuy City in the Province with the same name (in the north of Argentina).
In the mentioned Event were present members of Escuelas Integradas de Jujuy lead by the International Instructor Ramon Soria (V Dan) assisted in the pedagogic task by helping-Instructors Rodolfo Acha (IIIDan), Javier Tapia (III Dan), Cesar Ramos (II Dan), Simon Patagua (II Dan), Franco Martinez (I Dan), Hugo Peloc (I Dan) y Fernando Cunchila (I Dan). They had the cooperation of other Institutions lead by the Internatinal Instructors Juan Apaza (V Dan) and Daniel Canle (IV Dan).
The seminar was conducted by Senior Grand Master Ricardo Desimone who established that actualized information in all items of this activity must be given in all latitudes and not exclusivity for just a few or for those who could travel to international events.
Was highlighted Taekwon-do as an integral art letting in clear that the sport area is very important however it is a tiny part of it. On this occasion were developed the tenets of Taekwon-do and its philosophical importance.
Physically were treated in detail the biomechanics of its movements and different techniques to increase its efficiency in sparring and Ho Sinsul.
After seminar were tested to their next category those who applied for its promotions.