
A fallacy is an invalid or erroneous form of reasoning that appears to be correct. It is a deceptive or inaccurate (fallacious) form of reasoning that aims to be convincing or persuasive. All fallacies are forms of reasoning that violate some logical rule.

The preceding description is crucial and important because it provides an explanation for the current state of our art. Many entities offer fallacious explanations to justify their existence.

In a previous note, I expressed my astonishment when someone counted 42 entities using the same acronym to promote the discipline created by General Choi Hong Hi. Each of them claims to be different from the others, and to highlight this difference, they add another acronym or word. Phrases are not lacking to attract followers to their lines: this is the official Taekwon-Do, a united Taekwon-Do, for a better Taekwon-Do, we are a family, etc.

They all have things in common: the use of the acronym that identifies an administrative system they have turned into a style and the photo of General Choi. Apart from this, everything else consists of discrepancies with the system originally founded and exponentially evolved by its founder.

The first question that arises on this matter is: Why, if General Choi created a single Taekwon-Do, are there now different versions of it? They have divergent biomechanical versions, different training systems and uniforms, etc. But all claim to be, without being so, what the General founded.

For those of us who belonged to the pioneer generation in countries where Taekwon-Do began to spread outside Korea, all this mishmash tastes like opportunism. In fact, many practitioners have realized this and try to take advantage by changing «schools» to be promoted to ranks that, if there were a serious and unique regulatory entity, they could never attain.

Black belts with very high ranks that, due to age and background, they would not have been able to achieve. There are Federations and Associations that falsely use those names because legally they are not.

In conclusion, we must acknowledge that, as has happened with other disciplines, the fragmentation of the original administration of Taekwon-Do has turned the fragmented parts into schools, so far without the possibility of reunification and using legally unregistered names for their purposes.

A positive step is to become aware of this reality. This will allow us to understand that a world, continental, national, or neighborhood champion is only such in the school (called «federation,» «association») that organizes that sports event, and other schools will hardly recognize them as such.

Fifty years have passed since the first division that took practitioners from all latitudes as unwitting hostages to the political ends that produced it. These are until now, without a solution.

Twenty-one years have passed since the fragmentation of the administration that General Choi founded and presided over. These are until now, also without a solution. In jurisprudence, it is said that time is the truth that escapes. Here, paraphrasing that saying, it can be said that time is not only the truth that escapes but also the possibility of unification that dissipates. Thank you for your time.

SGM Ricardo Desimone

to be aware read again the previous notes