About patterns (Tul)

Different reasons compelled the martial arts to create patterns to train fundamental movements. One of them was the punishment established by the ancient law in Orient, similar to the law of Hamurabi: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, and was rigorously enforced even if death was caused accidentally.

Choreography is used to implement the techniques linked to the self defense actions. Kicks, punches, strikes, blocks, defenses, jumps, spinning and releasing motions are included to train different parts of the human body utilized as tools for self defense.

In Taekwon-Do in particular there are almost 3.200 techniques defining the Art; many of these are included in its patterns (Tul).

The martial arts’ Founders established the parameters to follow to obtain the results looked for; always taking into consideration that dissimilar biomechanics produce a different result in the application of a technique that was created for a unique purpose.

Gral. Choi Hon Hi applied, between other details, the Newtonian laws to obtain the formidable might attributed to Taekwon-Do. To apply with this goal it is necessary to follow the specific biomechanics that will lead us to increase our power in each technique to produce the wanted effect.

It is necessary to include each detail in all movements in order to reach the mentioned goal. This means that every movement should include the reaction force, breath control, the appropriate use of the mass, equilibrium, concentration, the rotation of different parts of the body when so it’s required and speed, all in a synchronized and unique coordinated execution. Always remember that arms, feet, eyes and breath have to reach the target together in a single and coordinated action. Every time that one of the mentioned factors is not included, the movement is wrongly executed and the maximum power cannot be reached.

Of course, to obtain such result (the inclusion of all details) in the already established biomechanics, it is necessary a large repetition of each movement. If you’re accurate and serious enough, you’ll notice that the job to do will require from you a high degree of perseverance. If you don’t do that and your dedication is more or less, so will be the result of your actions.

The general procedure in a good number of practitioners of all hierarchies responds to a superficial investment in the aforementioned job.

Apparently the work to do to obtain those results was not understood as necessary. As a consequence, a pattern or Tul is performed only applying the choreography (….the following movement is so…. and the movement after is that and so on). Then, instead of the power looked for, the result is a loss of strength due to the great effort and stiffness employed with an unnecessary waste of energy, quite different in the result as it should be.

If you don’t understand the job to do and do not train the details in fundamental movements included in Gups’ patterns to incorporate the correct base, you will never perform the black belt patterns in the right way because the details always were absent in your training criteria.

It is necessary to know the diagram of each pattern and its execution; however, the real importance is to apply the right biomechanics in each movement involved in every pattern. Taekwon-Do was created as a martial art and its techniques were designed for self defense purposes. The actual self defense does not have a starting order, it has no limit of the areas where it can be developed, it has no umpires and no rules. To be efficient in that moment, any of the almost 3.200 techniques of Taekwon-Do can be useful. In an actual self defense situation, the only possible champion is the one who solves the problem and the unique trophy is to stay alive. Thank you for your attention

SGM Ricardo Desimone

To be aware read the previous notes