Puerto Rico – USA, December 7th. 2013
To the President of ITF
Prof Chang Ung Ph. D
It is my hope that these lines find you in good health.
Regrettably and with great sadness I’m communicating you my resignation to the Institution Presided by you and to which I’ve belonged and defend since 1968.
As a member of the Executive Board until today I did all my best to fulfill my duties.
I feel that the legacy of our Founder, Gral. Choi Hong Hi, is not being applied in its destination as a Martial Art.
Its techniques doesn’t follow the line developed by him. The Highest categories who have the real knowledge gained over the years, have being placed aside in the technical area and in the important decisions which are crucial in the ITF destiny.
I wish you and the people involved in your administration all the best in your enterprise.
With best regards I remain
Yours in Taekwon-do
Senior Grand Master Ricardo Desimone