Entry in ITF in 1968
Name: Ricardo Desimone
Date of birth: Born in Buenos Aires – Argentina
on January 17th. 1948
Actual residence: Puerto Rico – USA
Education: High School and two years in law University.
Languages: Spanish, English and Italian.
Career: Professional Taekwon-do Instructor
Actual Level: Senior Grand Master (IX Dan)
Historical ITF membership:
1968– He Start in the practice. Part of the demonstration teem of the Kim Hang Chang Group that was the introducing and leading Organization in Argentina until this Korean Instructor quitted his ITF membership. After this fact, SGM Desimone was the connection between Argentina’s Taekwon-do structure and the Founder of the International Taekwon-do Federation, Gral. Choi Hong Hi.
1979– He’s promoted to 4th. Dan (AR-4-24), International Instructor (cert. Nº 225), International Umpire Classification “A” (cert. Nº 176).
1980-He was one of the Founders and first Chairman of the Tournament Committee of Argentina Taekwon-do Federation.
1981-He is one of the Founders, Secretary General and Technical adviser of the Metropolitan Taekwon-do Association
1982-He is the Founder of Professional Taekwon-do School.
1983– He’s promoted to 5th. Dan (AR-5-22)
1986– He’s named Vice-President of the Metropolitan Taekwon-do Association
1987– He’s Founder and part of the Board Directors of the Federación de Taekwon-do de la República Argentina (FETRA).
1988– He’s promoted to 6th. Dan (AR-6-13)
1989– He’s the official translator under the Gral. Choi’s command in the Pan-American Taekwon-do Tournament held in Tegucigalpa – Honduras.
1990/2001– He’s the official translator in all seminars given by General Choi Hong Hi in Argentina during this period.
1991– He’s named as Chairman of the Press Committee of FETRA.
1992– He ‘s the Founder and President of the American Taekwon-do Association (ASAT), uninterrupted until the present.
1993. He’s promoted to the Master Category 7th. Dan – (AR-7-9)
1994– He’s part of the Official Argentina Delegation in the IX World Taekwon-do Championship held in Kuala Terenganu – Malaysia. Gral. Choi Hong Hi gave him the Outstanding Instructor’s Medal in recognizing to his job.
1995– He’s part of the Test Board that accompanied Gral. Choi promoting students to the Instructor level (4th. Dan and above).
He translates into Spanish the Condensed Encyclopedia written by Gral. Choi Hong Hi.
1996/2000 –Being one of the founders, is named President of the Argentina Taekwon-do Union, the new Organization created by Gral. Choi to govern the Argentine ITF Taekwon-do in this Country.
1999– Gral. Choi Hong Hi gave him the statue in bronze with a wood base of Gral. Choi. The statue is to recognize the loyalty of Master Desimone to the International Taekwon-do Federation for so many years teaching this Martial Art on its pure form.
2000– On October this year, he was promoted to 8th. Dan (AR-8-2) and became the Senior of Masters in Argentina.
2001– Gral. Choi Hong Hi named him as President of the National ITF Taekwon-do Council of Masters in Argentina.
2002-After Gral. Choi passed away, Master Desimone wrote an article published in a national and well known magazine, refusing to be part of any other Taekwon-do Organization.
2003-He followed the mandate of his only Master, Gral. Choi Hong Hi, and writes to the Head Quarter of ITF in Vienna – Austria, giving his unconditional support to Professor Chang Ung as President of the International Taekwon-do Federation, following the Gral. Choi last wishes. Adhere to the South American Coalition and with other Argentine Masters, found the Argentina Taekwon-do Federation (ATF) to represent this Country in the ITF Congress held in Thessalonica – Greece and became as Senior Vice President of the Argentina Taekwon-do Federation (ATF).
2004- He’s named Chairman of Veterans Committee of the Internacional Taekwon-do Federation (ITF) and Chairman of the Veterans Committee of the Pan Am Taekwon-do Council.
2005 –He accompany to Master Phap Lu in several seminars given in different provinces of Argentina.
He is the actual General Secretary of Argentina Taekwon-do Federation (ATF).
2006– South American Taekwon-do Federation named him as Vice President and Chairman of the Technical Committee of this Federation.
South American Congress held in Tarija – Bolivia, proposed him to the Grand Master Category, in attention to his record and service to the original Taekwon-do.
2009– Grand Master (AR-9-1) by the ITF Congress held on October this year in St. Petersburg – Russia.
2010- Pan Am Taekwon-do Council names him as Chairman of Technical Committee of this Institution in the extraordinary meeting of PTC held in Belarus.
2011 –He is elected ITF Executive Board Member representing America Continent for the votes of the Countries member in the ITF Congress held in Pyongyang – Korea.
2013 – He is promoted to Senior Grand Master.
2013 – Found & Preside the International Taekwon-do Organization (ITO)
Translating Gral. Choi interviews with Tucuman’s Governor- Argentina 1996
After the Pan Am Taekwon-do Congress in Tegucigalpa-Honduras 1989
Translating a Gral. Choi’s TV interview on 1990
Translating a Seminar in Buenos Aires – 1993
Translating Last Seminar in Argentina October 2001
When he is nominated by Gral. Choi as President of the Argentina’s Masters Council October 2001
Promotion to 9th Degree (Grand Master) ITF Congress in St. Petersburg 2009. President of ITF delivering the certificate.